Ultraschall :: Kontrolle und Reduktion von Algen-Massenbildung

Research subject

Project SME innovative „ultrasound“ / grant number 02WQ1196

The research project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the research area „Innovative SMEs: resource and energy efficiency“


Investigating and testing of ultrasound to reduce and control of cyanobacteria and phytoplankton in waters and technical processes for water treatment

Mass development of phytoplankton and / or cyanobacteria are the result of excessive nutrient supply in the aquatic environment. They affect aquatic ecosystems with a variety of adverse consequences to the complete devaluation of the ecosystem (eutrophication). The most effective remedy against eutrophication is achieved by a permanent and drastic reduction of nutrient supplies.

To maintain sensitive waters sometimes short-term measures are necessary to reduce the growth of algae. The use of ultrasound in the aquatic environment in various applications fields has been practiced for more than 10 years, for the treatment of irrigation systems (crop), and increasingly in industry and natural waers.

Sound travels extremely well under water. Therefore the ultrasonic technology uses very small amounts of energy, ie the equivalent to the consumption of a light bulb is sufficient to treat an area of 300 x 150 m (approx 80W).

This technology could result in substantial economic savings and reduction of biocides, while supporting restructuring measures within wastewater treatment, drinking water treatment and for diverse home user applications, with a far-reaching ecological and economic benefit for all.

The responsible usage of the promising technique in the public domain and industry fields requires a thorough investigation and analysis of the mechanisms and their efficacy, while also investigating possible concerns. In a joint research project the technology and workflows in different application fields have been tested and evaluated.

a) Industrial process water circuit
b) reduction of plankton volume in bathing waters

The review of the ultrasound technique has been accompanied by renowned research partners.